!!! This information is outdated !!!

!!! This information is outdated !!!

User Instructions for Students

  • submission is in a folder, marked with “submission_to_publish_your_last_name”
  • submission folder contains minimum a markdown file
    • markdown contains:
      • #Title
      • ##Abstract
      • ##Project Description
      • ##Implementation
      • ##Lessons learned
  • could also contain images
    • please marke one of them a cover by addin the word “cover” to the name

Example for a submission:

your folder structure:
+-- exercise_1
+-- exercise_2
|   +-- my_cool_project
|       +-- code_files.js
|       +-- ...
|   +-- submission_to_publish_mustermann
|       +-- cool_project.md
|       +-- cover_cool_pixel.gif
|       +-- portrait.jpg
|       +-- systemdiagram.png
|       +-- ... 

Example mardown:

# A Cool Project

## Abstract
This is a cool project.

## Project Description.
It's just here to show you how a submission works.

## Implementation
See above.

## Lessons learned
It teaches you how to do a published submission. I hope you learned something. Fingers crossed. 

User Instruction for Professors/Lecturers

  • clone: https://github.com/ctechfilmuniversity/ctechfilmuniversity.github.io
  • open info/local_submission_search.py

    • replace in lines 13 and 15 the start and destination path

    • the start path is where the script should look for submissions, for instance: ../creative_coding_i/exercises/01
    • Attention: Currently is no check for already submitted files available. To avoid redundancy, please create a structure where not all submissions from all exercises are in one folder. Every time you run the programm, you would create a dublicate. Or run the script just once at the end of the semester.

    • the destination path is where the submission belongs to, for instande: ../ctechfilmuniversity.github.io/_posts/ctech_lectures/creative_coding_i/ws_18_19
    • the destination is somewhere in the _posts folder, the structure of the posts folder is the following:
        +-- _posts
        |   +-- ctech_lectures
        |       +-- acadamic_methodologies
        |         +-- ss_19
        |         +-- ss_20
        |       +-- creative_coding_i
        |         +-- ws_18_19
        |         +-- ws_19_20
        |       +-- creative_coding_ii
        |         +-- ss_19
        |         +-- ss_20
        |       +-- creative_technologies_i
        |         +-- ws_18_19
        |         +-- ws_19_20
        |       +-- creative_technologies_ii
        |         +-- ss_19
        |         +-- ss_20
        |       +-- orientation_project
        |         +-- ss_19
        |         +-- ws_18_19
        |         +-- ss_20
        |       +-- procedural_generation_and_simulation
        |         +-- ss_19
        |         +-- ss_20
        |       +-- theoretical_backgrounds_for_audio_and_graphics
        |         +-- ws_18_19
        |         +-- ws_19_20
        |   +-- individual_projects
        |       +-- electives
        |         +-- ws_19_20    
        |   +-- master_theses
        |       +-- ws_18_19
        |       +-- ss_20
    • run the script
    • commit the changes
    • push the changes

    For questions text me: Franziska.Paetzold@filmuniversitaet.de