Procedural Generation and Simulation

Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke | | Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Session 07

We will discuss this session on Monday, June 27th.

This session should take less than 4h.

Task 1: Chapter 07 - Dynamics

Task 2: A Basic Force Setup

Submit your houdini file as pgs_ss22_tutorial_04_lastname.hipnc, at least one image file as pgs_ss22_tutorial_04_lastname.png and one animation as pgs_ss22_tutorial_04_lastname.gif.

Task 3: Intro Rigid Body Dynamics

There are vast possibilities to work with build-in force-based systems in Houdini. For this task you should explore as first introduction force-based systems in Houdini.

The Houdini Tutorial - Intro Rigid Body Dynamics is a good introduction and fairly well explained. I recommend that you complete this tutorial. If some of the terms in the tutorial feel foreign to you, feel free to look them up in the Houdini documentation.

[Image by Syliva Rybak]

If you prefer to do a different tutorial, you can. The tutorial should be somewhat connected to a dynamic system, ideally using forces (however, keep in mind that we will get into particles next week). Some options could be (I haven’t completed these):

If you chose your own tutorial, also submit a link to the tutorial you followed.

You are not required (but encouraged!) to submit a proper rendering. However, for this exercise a flipbook rendering of the simulation is just fine.

Submit your houdini file as pgs_ss22_dynamics_lastname.hipnc, at least one image file as pgs_ss22_dynamics_lastname.png and one animation as pgs_ss22_dynamics_lastname.gif.

Happy Forcing!