Academic Methodologies

Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke | | Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Session 01 - Introduction (20 Points)

This session is due on Thursday, April 27 and we will discuss the results also on that day.

Going through the scripts and answering the questions should take < 3h. If you need longer, please comment on that in your submission.

Topics & Syllabus

Task 01.01

  • Which of the chapter topics given in the syllabus are of most interest to you? Why?
  • Are there any topics regarding academic work missing that would interest you or where you need help with?

Submission: Submit your answers.

ACS FUB 2023

  • Recap Chapter 01 - ACS FUB 2023 about the final project for this class, which is a conference simulation. If you have further questions, let me know next time in class.


Task 01.02

Think about what Einstein might have meant in regard to research with saying:

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

Submission: You do not need to submit anything for this question but we will discuss the answer in class.


  • Read Chapter 03 - Reasoning
    • The content is meant for a broader understanding of the topic. If you are not interested in that, you can skim the script.

Task 01.03

Within the context of Creative Technologies:

  1. Come up with a falsifiable hypothesis.
  2. Come up with a non-falsifiable hypothesis.
  3. Give a specific example for inductive reasoning.
  4. Give a specific example for deductive reasoning.
  5. Describe briefly a possible research project following the scientific method.
  6. Come up with a research question, which should be answered with a quantitative approach.
  7. Come up with a research question, which should be answered with a qualitative approach.

Your answers are allowed to be completely made-up and do not need to be realistically doable by you. However, I would like to encourage you to spend a little bit more time and effort to come up with answers that are of actual interest to you and that might fit to your 1st term project and / or general area of interest and / or your paper for this class.

Submission: You do not need to submit anything for this question but we will discuss the answers in class.

Your Paper

Task 01.04 - Topic Brainstorming

Collect topics and keywords as bullet points that could be of interest for you for your paper.

I recommend to brainstorm for 20 minuets and to write down whatever comes to your mind.

Submission: You do not need to submit anything for this question.

Task 01.05 - Topic Selection

From your brainstorming output select three topics that you want to consider for your paper.

Further think about on them. E.g.

  • What specifically interests you within that topic?
  • What further characteristics does the topic have?
  • What questions could you ask within that topic?
  • How could you solve those questions?

Submission: Submit your three topic choices and explain them briefly. If you already have possible questions within those topics, also submit them.

Answer all questions directly in a copy of the file. Submit your copy as in your assignments folder in a separate folder for each session. I prefer only lower-case characters.

For example: assignments/gieseke/01/

Happy Researching!