Procedural Generation and Simulation
Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke |
Teaching Assistant: Sylvia Rybak |
Session 07 - Particles (10 points)
Task 07.01 and 07.02 are due next class, meaning on Wednesday, June 14th. Task 07.03 and 04 are due on Monday, June 19th.
This assignment should take <= 4h. If you need longer, please comment on that in your submission.
Task 07.01 - Lecture Topics
Read Chapter 08 - Particles. You can also have a look at the slides, if that works better for you.
Task 07.02 - Introduction To Niagara
Complete an introductory tutorial about Niagara. In Chapter 02 - Unreal you find tutorial suggestions. At the very least, you have to understand the content of UE5 Niagara in 300 Seconds.
If you already know Niagara well, chose a more advanced topic within Niagara and investigate it further. Summarize your investigation briefly.
Submission: A link to the tutorial you completed and at least one preview image (this does not need to be a designed scene, nor a polished image), linked in your
Task 07.03 - Particles
Complete one more advanced Niagara tutorial regarding any topic up to your liking. In Chapter 02 - Unreal you find tutorial suggestions. You could, e.g., implement boids in Unreal. Also, next week we will talk about fluids, you could also chose a Niagara fluids tutorial. You need to adjust the final result to make it your own and come up with a well-designed animation and preview image.
Alternatively, you do not have to follow a tutorial but you can come up with your very own particle setup and scene.
This will be your last Unreal task before the final project! Make it special 😁.
Submission: A link to the tutorial you completed (if applicable) and at least one preview image and one animation, e.g. as gif, of your scene, linked in your
Task 07.04
Please summarize your personal learnings (text or bullet points - whatever you prefer). What was challenging for you in this session? How did you challenge yourself?
Submission: Text in your
Happy Simulating!