Academic Methodologies

Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke | | Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Session 02 - HCI

Reading the scripts and preparing questions should take < 2h. If you need longer, please let me know next class.

HCI and Finding a Research Question

Your Paper

Task 02.01 - The Storyline of Your Paper

For the topics you are currently considering, write down possible (research) questions for your paper. In total you should have at least three different questions.

  • Don’t worry about making the question a research question. You can think of the questions also as defining the direction for the storyline of your paper.
  • One question represents one paper (for short papers one question is enough, each question should stand for a different paper)
  • Questions can refer to different topics. I recommend to develop for each topic that your are still considering, multiple questions.

Submission: Add your questions to your paper file (

Happy Questioning!