Academic Readings I: Arts & Humanities

Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke - - Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Wednesdays, 14.30-15.30
Room: 6119


[Miao Xiaochun, Metamorphosis-Doubt (2011)]

Purpose of the Course

In this course the participants practice to read publications of the arts and humanities. Participants evaluate each publication through the discussions with the group.

This course is offered in combination with ‘Academic Readings II’, which covers publications from computer science. Both courses can be attended in interchangeable order.

Learning Objectives

Method of Instruction





The following list offers you some readings to chose from. You can also propose a book that is not on the list. Also, if you are interested in a particular topic, which is not included here, get in touch with me and we will try to find a suitable reading together. All chosen readings must be of a certain quality and need to fit to the overall Creative Technologies context and to Arts & Humanities. All text must be approved by me.

You can find most pdfs of the following list in this ownCloud repository (pw: ar1) with the filename firstauthorlastname_year_firstlettersofthefirstthreewords.pdf. If would like to chose a reading from the above list for which there is no pdf, please get in touch as soon as possible. Then I will still need to scan the text. For a new reading that is not on the list, you are responsible to scan the book and provide a digital version of the text to the others.


Session Topic Pages Presenter
16.10.24 Introduction   Lena
23.10.24 No Class    
30.10.24 No Class    
06.11.24 Presentation Techniques - Part 1   Lena
13.11.24 Presentation Techniques - Part 2   Lena
20.11.24 No Class    
27.11.24 Weyl, E.G., Tang, A. (2024): Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy 17 – 34, 81 – 88, 114 – 128, 270 – 288 Aydin
04.12.24 Hovenkamp, H. (2024): Tech Monopoly   Philip
11.12.24 Harari, Y. N. (2024): Nexus - A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI 3 - 25, 58 - 100 Gorm
18.12.24 Mollick, E. (2024): Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI 93 - 123, 159 - 178 Imogen
15.01.25 Bridle, J. (2022): Ways of Being - Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence   David
22.01.25 Biggs, M.; Karlsson, H. (Ed.): The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts   Sophie
29.01.25 tba    
05.02.25 tba    


The requirements to pass the course are

Attendance is mandatory. If more than 2 sessions are missed, the course is failed. In case of illness or other justifiable reasons of absence, sent a notification before the class to and your absence might be excused.

If you completed your presentation but fail due to too many missed classes, you can re-do the class by attending 5 session of AR1 in the following year. You do not have to give a presentation again.


There will be a grade for this class.

The grade is based on

The presentation grade is based on

Inclusivity Statement

It is my intent that students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit.

It is my intent to present activities that accommodate and value a diversity of gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. I will gladly honor your request to address you by your preferred name and gender pronoun. I commit to make individual arrangements to address disabilities or religious needs (e.g. religious events in conflict with class meetings and deadlines). Please advise me of these preferences and needs early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my plans and records.

Debate and free exchange of ideas is encouraged, but I will not tolerate harassment, i.e. a pattern of behavior directed against a particular individual with the intent of humiliating or intimidating.

[Adapted from P. Pedercini with permission.]

Stress Culture

Take care of yourself. All of us benefit from support during times of struggle. You are not alone. There are many helpful resources available at Filmuni, and an important part of the university experience is learning how to ask for help. If you or anyone you know experiences any unbearable academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, I strongly encourage you to seek support. The Filmuni offers different services and counseling for you.

[Adapted from P. Pedercini with permission.]