Creative Coding I
Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke | | Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Session 03 - Space (10 points)
Please complete this session by January 28th. Completing the session should take < 5h.
In this session we are dealing with the topic of space and what types of virtual spaces we are working with. In terms of tech, this session introduces you to the JavaScript library Threejs
, which is a good choice if you want to build 3D scenes in a browser.
Local Installation
Task 03.01 - Your First Scene
- Install node, nvm and npm
- Verify a correct installation with executing
node -v
andnpm -v
in the terminal
Submission: -
Task 03.02 - Local Project Setup
Task 03.02 should be developed with a proper local installation. For that you can follow these steps in a terminal:
- Create a project folder
- Either manually or in the terminal with
mkdir foldername
- Either manually or in the terminal with
- With the terminal navigate into the folder you just created and execute:
npm init -y
npm install three vite
- In
add line"dev": "vite",
by changing the"scripts": {...}
entry to:
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- Create a
and ascene.js
- Add to
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Hello three.js!</title>
body { margin: 0; }
<canvas id="canvasThree"></canvas>
<script type="module" src="scene.js"></script>
- Complete
Task 03.03
Task 03.03 - Your First Scene
Build a three dimensional, geometric scene. With geometric I mean that the scene should focus on abstract geometry - also think sculptural. Remember: exceptional creativity often emerges out of constraints and refrainment 😎. You could (but don’t have to) find inspiration in the following art work.
[Composition A, Piet Mondriaan, 1923]
[Several Circles, Wassily Kandinsky, 1926]
[Hadia geometria 36 – Alphabet 1, Mária Balážová, 1956]
[ Drawing #220, Zanis Waldheims, 1969]
[Thanksgiving, Yaacov Agam, 1980]
[Wall Drawing #564, Sol LeWitt, 1988]
[Dürer, Pair Impair A, Vera Molnar, 2021]
How to translate the above 2D concepts and aesthetics into 3D space?
How to give the above abstractions an 3D embodiment?
How to merge 2D and 3D?
How about using time as an creative tool? Could there be movement?
[The Moving Moment When I Went To The Universe, Yayoi Kusama, 2018]
For this task there is no need to go beyond the three.js basic elements that we have discussed in class. The scene should be navigable with (e.g., a simple orbit control but feel free to do something different) but other than that the scene should not include any interactions.
Note: If you have previous experience with three.js and consider yourself a proficent programmer, I expect you to still challenge yourself technically with this exercise as well as completing a polished result.
Submission: Link in your markdown submission file at least one result image or video of your work. Also, submit the required source files, and your package.json for me to npm install
and npm run
your project. If your are using a different environment than npm, let me know which steps to follow and make sure that the required steps to run your project are easy and fast (any setup that takes more than 5 minutes for me to re-create or need heavy installations, I am most likely not doing).
Please summarize your personal learnings. What was challenging for you in this session? How did you challenge yourself?
Submission: Text or bullet points in your markdown submission file.
Write and link all task results in a copy of this file. Submit your copy as
in your assignments’ folder.
Please add the following header at the beginning of your Markdown file:
layout: default
title: Homework
nav_exclude: true
Happy Three Dimensioning!