Creative Coding I

Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke | | Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Session 04 - Asynchronism / Space Again (15 points)

Please complete this session by February 4th. Completing the session should take < 6h.

In this session we are dealing with the topic of asynchronism, where we encounter it in every day life and what it means for us as humans. In terms of tech, this session introduces you to some web-specific JavaScript functionality and syntax, which we will need in the upcoming sessions.

JavaScript Functions & Asynchronism

Task 04.01

Re-cap the sections in the script regarding higher order functions and their different syntax formats. As a beginner you can skip the more advanced sections that we haven’t covered in class:

At the very least make sure that you understand the underlying functionality and that you will be able to work with the syntax when given to you, e.g., from a framework.

If you are more advanced, make sure that your understand Closures, Promises and Async and Await.

Submission: -

Task 04.02 - Coding Practices

Reflect on your usage of resources and Machine Learning tools for coding.

  • What have you used and how has it served you?
  • Do you actually understand the code an ML tool has given to you (in case you have used any)?
  • Would you be able to re-create it without any help?
  • What can you recommend?
  • How do you want to proceed?

Submission: Just a couple of bullet points are sufficient.


Task 04.03 - Your Own Scene

Create a Three.js scene up to your liking. There are no constraints for what the scene should be. The result should be polished and will be graded on concept, form / design and implementation quality.

You are required to use additional functionality that you haven’t yet used last week. Check the three.js manual or the examples for inspiration.

Submission: Link in your markdown submission file at least one result image or video of your work. Also, submit the required source files, and your package.json for me to npm install and npm run your project. If your are using a different environment than npm, let me know which steps to follow and make sure that the required steps to run your project are easy and fast (any setup that takes more than 5 minutes for me to re-create or need heavy installations, I am most likely not doing).


Please summarize your personal learnings. What was challenging for you in this session? How did you challenge yourself?

Submission: Text or bullet points in your markdown submission file.

Write and link all task results in a copy of this file. Submit your copy as in your assignments’ folder.

Please add the following header at the beginning of your Markdown file:

layout: default
title: Homework
nav_exclude: true

Happy Building!