Creative Coding I
Prof. Dr. Lena Gieseke | | Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Session 02 - Instruction (10 points)
Please complete this session by January 7th. Completing the session should take < 5h.
In this session we are going to think about the topic of instructions and what the different forms in which instructions can be given. In terms of tech this session is about continuing programming with p5 and getting some coding done!
Tools and Environments
Are there any languages, tools or environments for creative coding that you know of, that you can recommend, and which are not included in the script? If not, you can skip this question.
Submission: Text or bullet points in your markdown submission file.
Submit a text-based program and its result for each of the following instruction. Try to include into the programming some algorithmic thinking, meaning a structured approach.
Note: You are free to choose any programming language, environment, library, etc. for this task, but it must be text-based programming. If you are a beginner, I highly recommend that you stick with p5.
Submission: Submit a link to your online sketch within the p5 editor, and link in your markdown submission file at least one result image or video of your work. If you do not use the online editor, submit all source files and resources that I need to run your sketch.
Task 02.01 - Coding
Task 02.02 - Coding
Task 02.03 - Algorithmic Thinking
Briefly reflect on how you implemented your creative idea. Did you apply algorithmic thinking and if so, how?
Submission: Text or bullet points in your markdown submission file.
Task 02.04 - Creative Instructions
Write instructions that are in themselves a creative output.
Hint: This is not about instructions for a creative output but about thinking about the instructions themselves and how to shape them creatively.
Submission: Text and/or an audiovisual representation in your markdown submission file.
The Web
Re-capture Script 06 - The Web.
Task 02.05 - Working With a Local Server
Create a setup with a local webserver and be able to work with, e.g., p5, locally.
A possible setup could simply be using a local webserver with the VSCode extension.
If needed, re-cap the topic by reading Example: A Local Setup For p5.js.
Also, it is time to getting used to doing simple steps with the terminal (😱). For that, you can work through the chapter Terminal / Console in the setup script.
No need to submit anything, but I expect that you are ready to work with a local webserver and the terminal from next week on.
Submission: -
Please summarize your personal learnings. What was challenging for you in this session? How did you challenge yourself?
Submission: Text or bullet points in your markdown submission file.
Write and link all task results in a copy of this file. Submit your copy as
in your assignments’ folder.
Please add the following header at the beginning of your Markdown file:
layout: default
title: Homework
nav_exclude: true
Happy Instructing!